Thank you for submitting your booking request. An email receipt has just been sent to your email.
We will review the information and go about making the necessary arrangements now! You will receive a formal confirmation from usually within 24 hours.. We look forward to your party!
**Important Note: You should reframe from making any similar arrangements with a separate vendor here forth as your booking with us is already in the motion. Charges will apply for cancellation as a confirmed booking is submitted.**
What happens now?
Once your booking submission is received, we check the schedules of all our performers and see how we can accommodate to the most ideal timing. This does mean that it will take sometime for us to revert to make sure that we have the relevant availablity before sending a confirmation. We urge you to be patient with us on the matter, and know that we are working to make arrangements.
Why do I have to wait?
Once your booking submission is received, we check the schedules of all our performers and see how we can accommodate to the most ideal timing.
What will you send me?
We will send a confirmation email to let you know that you are all set, including payment methods.
Thank you for your patience and see you at your celebration!
Best wishes,
The team at Jellybean Party