How is your availability for this date?
- If your party is still two weeks away, we are likely to have availablity for your request! Yay!
- If your party is less than two weeks away (and you are firm to proceed), we are only able to advise on availability after your booking submission, please wait for our reply with a confirmation within 24hrs to ensure a smooth celebration for you and your guests!
*Please note that we cannot guarantee the availability of specific performers.
What is the Price of your Service / Package?
- For prices of individual services, see a comprehensive pricelist here: Price List
- For prices of packages, click into the packages: https://www.jellybeanparty.sg/package-options
- All prices stated are NETT , and All Inclusive.
For Corporate & Government Bookings, do you accept _______ for payment?
- We are registered with GeBIZ and Vendor@Gov.
*A flat charge of $30 – $60 administrative charge may apply* - We accept Credit Card Payment through Paypal
*Convenience fees (4.5%) will apply* - There are no additional GST charges in stated prices.